Goodbye and Hello - To Love and Let Go

                        To my mother, Rachel Hover
           on Sunday, November 3, 2002 from Nancy

I'm trying to say I love you with words - and a kiss.
I'm trying to say goodbye, and how much you'll be missed.
I'm trying to write a poem for you, but ending with a list.
I`m trying to paint a picture of how you'll always be.
Alive and well, in my heart, whenever what I see
    Reminds me... We loved
    Daffodils in the spring
    The smell of fresh baked bread
    Walking in the woods
    Blackberry crisp
    Lucky stones
    Word games
    Cracking hickory nuts
    Violets and trilliums
    The Psalms
    Making hollyhock dolls
    Feeding giraffes - and birds!
    The shapes of Sassafras leaves
    Swimming the side stroke
    Children playing
    Dressing "Egyptian" on Halloween
    Reading books
    Christmas carols
    Reading more books!
    lilies of the Valley
    Being at "home"
    Anything hand-made, with love.
     The list of loved and lost is long.
     But angels sing a welcome song!
     I'm sad, and glad, to let you go.
                       I'll miss the way you said,